Job Performance Indicators & Evaluations
Superintendent's Annual Performance Assessment Objective Performance Standards
Below are the agreed upon objective performance standards in the areas of Student Growth and Achievement; Organizational Leadership; District Operations and Financial Management; Communication and Community Relations; Human Resource Management; and Professionalism along with the rating scale utilized for the Superintendent's annual performance assessment.
Objective Performance Standards
- Student Growth and Achievement Overall
- Organizational Leadership
- PDSD Operations and Financial Management
- Communications and Community Relations
- Human Resource Management
- Professionalism
Student Growth and Achievement Overall
Organizational Leadership
PDSD Operations and Financial Management
Communications and Community Relations
Human Resource Management
2023-2024 School Year Evaluations
Rating Scale Descriptors
- Distinguished: Performance is superior and routinely exceeds expectations.
- Proficient: Performance is adequate and occasionally meets or exceeds standards or
- expectations.
- Needs Improvement: Performance periodically fails to meet expectations associated with assigned
- tasks, targeted goals, or professional competencies.
- Failing: Performance fails to meet most expectations associated with the role of Superintendent. Substantial improvement is needed to be considered proficient in the role.