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Communication is essential for a successful educational experience. Penn-Delco uses multiple communication platforms to keep you and your family informed and connected.

Communication Chain

We encourage parents to stay in close contact with their child’s teacher regarding student progress and keep us informed of any events that may impact their child’s education. When a problem arises, please follow the appropriate communication chain:

Classroom-Based Concerns

  • Parent > Teacher > Building Principal

Support Personnel and Non-Classroom Issues (Bus, Recess, Cafeteria)

  • Parent > Building Principal (involving support personnel as needed)

Student Behavior Concerns Related to Classroom Activity

  • Parent > Teacher > Building Principal

Ongoing or Significant Behavioral Concerns

  • Parent > Building Principal

School Closing Information

In the event it becomes necessary to close school, delay the opening, or dismiss early, an announcement will be made as follows:

  • Voice message to the phone number in your Skyward Account
  • Post on Penn-Delco website
  • Posts on Penn-Delco social media pages
  • Text to those who have opted in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our district short code 67587. (By opting in for text messages and setting text as a preference, you can also receive attendance reporting confirmations, as well as other district communication, via text.)
  • Information at news stations including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX

Please do not call the school for information as it ties up the phone lines needed for emergency calls.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to develop an emergency plan with their child(ren) so they will know where to go if schools must close unexpectedly.  

Have questions about technology?

Check out the technology webpage for information regarding Schoology, Skyward, Chromebook 1:1 program and more. If you require assistance, you may email our technology team at
