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The Communications Department is dedicated to supporting students, staff, families and community members through strategic and innovative approaches to information sharing, digital communications, visual storytelling, and public and media relations.
Our responsibilities include:
  • Developing and distributing official communications, internally and externally.
  • Creating and managing content for district websites and social media accounts.
  • Publicizing school and district events, initiatives, and successes.
  • Highlighting student activities and achievements within the community.
  • Producing district publications, electronic newsletters, and other materials.
  • Coordinating and overseeing public and media relations.

Communications Department Staff

Allison Gangl

Communications Coordinator
610-497-6300 x1330

Are you receiving our messages?

It is essential that your teachers, principals, and administrators can communicate with you and your family. The District frequently sends direct communication via email, phone and text message. If you are not receiving voice messages, emails, or texts, follow these steps to verify your information in our system:

  1. Check your email spam folder
  2. Verify your Skyward contacts
    • Log in to your child’s Skyward account.
    • Navigate to the Skylert section and check your email addresses and phone numbers.
    • Update any incorrect contact information for email, phone, and text.

Opt In for Text Alerts

Opt in to the SchoolMessenger Communicate SMS text system by texting "Y" or "Yes" to 67587. By opting in for text messages and setting text as a preference, you can also receive attendance reporting confirmations and other district communications via text. To opt out, text "STOP" to 67587.