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Elementary Library Resources

Digital resources for reading, research, and funExplore these resources for teachers, students, and families, including a link to the library catalog for browsing and reserving books and eBooks. Whether for assignments, research, or fun, these resources provide a wealth of information.

If you have any questions regarding these resources, please reach out to librarian Cherie Freeman and she will guide you through the most appropriate resources to access.


Students can browse their school library’s collection of books, both print and eBooks! To access, click on your school, click log in on the top right, and sign in with Google. Students can reserve books by clicking “Hold” and then follow your school’s procedure for book check out.

Everyone can read the ebooks, which are accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. Students can see the books they have checked out, when they’re due, and even get book suggestions. There is also a Destiny Discover App that is free and easy to use. Books can be read or listened to on the app as well as using the website.

Destiny Discover Library Catalog


This is a fabulous resource for finding information, games, activities and much more.

  • The username is pdsd and the password is student.

  • The Kids level is for elementary, Student level is for middle school/advanced elementary, Advanced level is for high school, and there is a Spanish version.

World Book Online


This is a wonderful resource that provides information for elementary students. You can access using your Google Single Sign on. Simply go to your pdsd students gmail account, click the waffle area at the top right corner (nine dots in a square), and then scroll down to the Power Library icon and click!

You can still use your instant ecard number or a library card number, both of which are free and the links are on the log-in page.

Pennell - Power Kids

Aston - Power Kids

Coebourn - Power Kids

Parkside - Power Kids

Power Library Flyer (PDF)


To get a library card - send your name, address, phone number and birthdate to or click to access the patron self registration section of Delaware County Libraries. You will receive a number by email with the card following in the mail. 


Access content, including images, audio clips, artifacts and texts from the world’s largest library.

For teachers.

For all who want access. 


Students with dyslexia, blindness, and other reading barriers can have FREE access to over 800K+ books in easy-to-read formats like audio, braille, and large print.  Students/families would set-up their own accounts.
